Application of Minoxidil

Application of Minoxidil: Treatment of hair loss

Hair loss is a daily occurrence for everyone. A moderate amount of hair loss is normal, but if it exceeds a certain amount, it can affect a person’s appearance and health and become pathological hair loss (i.e. adults lose more than 100 hairs per day). Let’s talk about the Application of Minoxidil.

There are different pathological types of hair loss, the main types are: 1) Seborrheic alopecia; 2) Alopecia areata.

Seborrheic Alopecia, also known as Androgenetic Alopecia(AKA AGA) is the most common type of hair loss. Research shows that: The incidence of AGA in our country, the male is 21.3% and the female is 6%.

GenderIncidence of AGA
Incidence of AGA in gender-specific populations

Among Caucasians, the incidence is even higher. Among 30-year-old white men, the incidence is 30 percent. In terms of prevalence, the prevalence rate is 50% in men aged 50, 80% in men and 53% in women aged 70 and over.

Alopecia areata is the second most common type of hair loss after AGA. Its clinical manifestations are sudden non-cicatricial alopecia areata. Since alopecia areata is more likely to develop Complete hair loss or Recurrent hair loss, and has a lifetime prevalence of about 2%, alopecia areata has a greater impact on body image than AGA and is more likely to cause anxiety and depression.

The treatment of AGA includes drug therapy and surgery. The main surgical treatment is hair transplantation. It is not widely used because of its high price, strong dependence on the surgeon’s technique and other characteristics. So the treatment of AGA is mainly drug therapy.

Up to now, for AGA, Minoxidil and Finasteride are officially approved by FDA for clinical treatment, both of which are first-line drugs for AGA treatment.

Minoxidil versus Finasteride:

Application of Minoxidil

Minoxidil induces vasodilation and overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor, and increases mitosis of hair matrix keratinocytes, promoting hair growth and increasing hair diameter.

Finasteride is an inhibitor of 5-α reductase, which is the main target of AGA therapy. Finasteride has the effect of significantly increasing the amount of hair, but it has been associated with adverse effects, including sexual dysfunction and psychological problems.

Application of Minoxidil

So Minoxidil is more widely used in the market than Finasteride.

Application of Minoxidil

The global disease burden of hair loss has increased over the past 30 years, becoming a major global public health problem. However, fortunately, various pharmaceutical companies continue to carry out corresponding drug research for different types of hair loss, and have obtained the results of approved drugs on the market and the phased results of the drugs under study. The problem of hair loss is constantly being solved and improved.

Application of Minoxidil
Application of Minoxidil

That’s all about Application of Minoxidil. More products you may have interests. You are also welcome to visit our brother company website: Wuhan Xinru Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.